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Cycling in Bellandur

My father and I went cycling near Bellandur railway station. We took our cycles in the car and then we unloaded the cycles at one point and then we cycled.On the  way, we saw some funny scenes. Here are the pictures: 

In this picture, a cow is peeping into a shop and it looks like it wants to buy something!
Someone has tied stones to an electricity wire so that they do not touch each other and produce sparks. Atfer that we were on the railway platform. Since the platform is a small one we took our cycles on the platform. Here is a picture of me on the platform.

After we reached the platform the train came. Here is a picture of me standing when the train was coming:


After the train left we continued cycling. Here are some pictures of me near the railway track:

When we were coming down the railway track we saw a snail. Here is a picture of the snail:
 After that we cycled little more and then went home.


  1. Hey Sanjith,
    I love the pic of the cow the best. She really looks like she enjoys shopping, particularly for sachets of Gutka & biscuits :)
    The stone idea is actually a smart one dont you think?
    Keep writing...
    God Bless

  2. Dear Sanjith,

    Qestion: Which is that train you see in the photo above? I see that it has become your computer desktop background now.

    - Pop


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