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Showing posts from November, 2012


My father recently bought me an AquaPod . An AquaPod is a device that can launch a 2 litre plastic bottle about 100 feet up in the air. You need a pump and some water in the bottle to make all this happen. We pump air into the bottle filled with water.The air in the bottle gets compresed with high pressure. When we pull the string and release the valve, the compressed air pushes the water out and the bottle flies up like a rocket Materials required: AquaPod Old 2 litre plastic water bottle Air Pump Water String that is 15 ft long The procedure: Take an old 2 litre plastic water bottle (preferably Coke bottle).  Fill 1/3 of the bottle with water. Attach it onto the AquaPod. Pump air into the AquaPod. Go back 15- 20 ft & pull the string and watch it soar up into the air! Here are a few videos that I took. Click the below links to view the videos: AquaPod Main Video Under View Of The AquaPod (Must Watch) AquaPod Flying In The Air Here is a picture.  


These are a few photos that I took:

Old Cameras

Recently my grandfather gave me two old cameras that he bought about 50 years back. His first camera costed him Rs. 17 and his second one Rs. 400. I also got an user manual that teaches us about the basics of photography.  The  brand names of the cameras are Paillard and Argus .  The Paillard (Swiss Made) and the Argus ( American Made) camera run on film. We cannot use the Paillard camera anymore. My grandfather said that we might be able to buy film for the Argus camera. The Paillard camera is a video camera whereas the Argus is a still camera. Argus still manufactures cameras. This is not a digital camera, but it is an old style film camera. Here are a few photos: Paillard Camera This is where you put the film Paillard's camera's lens removed Argus Camera Argus's camera's lens removed The front part of the Argus camera The User Manual

IMS Video

As I had mentioned in my previous blog post here is a video on IMS (Inventory Management System). You can view the video by clicking   here . Please feel free to leave comments on You tube or on my blog. I created this video by using a screen recording software known as Cam-Studio Recorder. You can download it by clicking here .