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Showing posts from October, 2018

Unsettling Signs of Fascism - India

Let me begin by removing some misconceptions that you may have based on the title. I am not calling India a Fascist State. The ruling power is not a fascist party. The article has been largely written without any prejudice or bias (debate me if I am wrong) and includes only facts which have been backed by relevant sources. Lastly, the views are personal and have not been written with anti- ruling party/ pro-opposition party viewpoints but have been written as a private individual observing from a distance. If the article seems too long or you do not have the time, read the paragraph 'What is fascism?' as well as the last paragraph 'TL;DR' and refer back to an individual case study if you find it important or need a detailed argument. What is fascism? Fascism is a rightist-totalitarian ideology that was conceptualised by Benito Mussolini in Italy and also widely copied and renamed as Nazism by Hitler in Germany. Fascism can be broadly characterised by the presenc